CFP: History of Canadian Marketing

22 04 2010

Special issue call for papers from Journal of Historical Research in Marketing

The Journal of Historical Research in Marketing invites submissions for a special issue focused on the history of Canadian marketing. For this special issue of JHRM we particularly welcome manuscripts that address topics focused on Canada and Canadians, including but not limited to:

* Canadian marketing history
* Unique challenges to marketing in Canada, e.g. the impact of government regulation, challenges presented by Canada’s immigration history and bilingual nature
* The wheat economy and Canadian marketing
* Periodization in Canadian marketing
* How Canadian economic and business history shaped Canadian marketing
* The impact of marketing boards, reports of Royal Commissions, Canada-US trade controversies
* Tariffs, branch plants and Canadian marketing
* Canadian supply chains since Confederation
* Marketing and/or regions within Canada (e.g. the Canadian Prairies, Maritimes, North, etc.)
* Feeding and clothing Canada’s cities
* Marketing and the Canadian household — changes over time.
* Advertising history in Canada
* Retailing history in Canada.

The submission deadline for this special issue is 30 October 2010 with an expected publication date of August 2011.  If you are unsure of the suitability of your topic, please contact the special issue Guest Editors:
Leighann Neilson, Carleton University
E-mail: or

Stanley Shapiro, Simon Fraser University

Submission procedures

Submissions for this special issue of JHRM may be sent electronically in either PDF format or MS Word as an e-mail attachment to either the special issue Guest Editors (at the e-mail addresses indicated above) or the JHRM Editor:
Professor D.G. Brian Jones, School of Business,
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, USA
Please include the phrase “JHRM Submission” in your e-mail subject line. Title the submission file attached with the lead author’s surname.  Full submission guidelines can be found at the JHRM web page:



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